Michael Charicki @lsbear85

Michael Charicki @lsbear85



Michael Charicki
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I am a landscape and snow removal contractor in the north west suburbs of Chicago. I also dabble in real estate as broker and small investor. Golf, outdoor sports and food are my hobbies. I have a beautiful wife and pup who support my ambitions. Currently in my journey to become a consistently profitable trader. Buying and selling options is my vehicle in the endless possibilities of the stock market. Who knew that the hardest part of trading was learning about yourself.

Quick Stats

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Public 0 272 3,943.75
All 0 272 3,943.75


Only public portfolio and mentor content is shown. Mentor content is either part of the fast track program or has a personal subscription option.

Recent Trades (Last 5)

Last Entry 5 Asset Symbol Broker Portfolio(s) Pattern(s) Type Amt. Cost P&L% P&L$ Action
April 8, 2022, 3:23 p.m. Stock SPY Webull Selling Option Spreads, Channel's Support and Resistance , spotgamma, Short 1,000.00 280.00
April 8, 2022, 3:22 p.m. Stock SPY TD Ameritrade Daytrading-Scalping options, gap fill reversal , Short 400.00 1,412.00
April 8, 2022, 3 p.m. Stock ATER TD Ameritrade Daytrading-Scalping options, gap fill, Short 4,000.00 400.00
April 7, 2022, 7:46 p.m. Stock SPY TD Ameritrade Daytrading-Scalping options, Break Premarket High, gap fill, Long 200.00 790.00
April 7, 2022, 7:45 p.m. Stock NVDA TD Ameritrade Swing Trades, Support Line Bounce, Long 200.00 1,110.00

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