A+ opportunity day for 4 reasons

1. ES QQQ RTY YM all in sync. PERFECTLY in sync. Bounce at open, break a key level, grab liquidity, immediately drop lower. The RTY and YM actually led the move lower to start and then once they got below OP and the ADD VOLD were making NLOD consistently so we had 3/4. Then we got the ES and NQ to break the 15ema and that is when I was getting my short position in. After we broke down and cleared out the OP very very fast I was fully out of my trade for a 12 point gain on 2x my avg size so I was happy about that but immediately after I was done I was very aware that I should keep trading but I had a lot to do so I did not. Unfortuntately I sold OVER 100 POINTS above the low of the day. What is it about these days that make them so unique and basically a free money printer where if you just get in with some solid size early on, take the win. re-enter on the 15ema or a clean retest of a key level.