December 17, 2024 (2 Trades) (-$101.25)

Overall Grade: C+

**Writing Day Summary and Trade Bullets on Wed 12/18**

Day Summary: Today was a tougher day for me in terms of staying mentally poised after just missing a winning trade by a couple of ticks. After that, I ended up fomo-ing into my 2nd trade of the day. Although I forced a dumb second trade and gave away stupid money to the market for no reason, I was at least trying to build back good habits again by stopping trading and logging off early for the day. I also traded an entry set up today which I haven't in a while so that was also good, but the entry on the entry set up was a bit fomo'd. Anyways, spoiler alert but sticking to better habits today did not help me out tomorrow (12/18) and you'll see why because I am writing this from the future lol.



5 MIN - ES


Trade 1 - Short 3 Contracts @ Wedge Fakeout + Key Level

Grade: B-

  • good job waiting for entry set up - good
  • Fomo'd the entry a bit because I am thinking about the money since I haven't been trading well - don't want to miss the move - bad
  • Held through pain just to stop out 2 ticks from the high, and then this trade did exactly what I had planned which did frustarte me even though that is really just trading
  • As Eury pointed out, I should have probably gave this a little more room bc that was the are it rejected before, but I was trying to stick to my plan, and actually my origional planned stop was a close above 32.5 so I was technically already breaking stop
  • I like the idea on this trade and a better entry would have likely made this trade a winner, so it pays to be pay-tient as always


Trade 2 - Short 2 Cobtracts @ No Set Up + FOMO + 21 EMA Reject


  • this trade was taken purely out of FOMO from Trade 1, frustration and thinking about the money
  • avoid a trade like this that is forced and with no set up. Avoid taking trades based on emotion. Trade based on a logical plan and system
  • Stopped out fairly quick but I knew this was a bad trade from the second I entered