Not a good day. I should not have went long even though we had 3/4. There is a huge caveat to the 3/4 and that is, IF mag7 and indices are not in confluence there is NO EDGE WHATSOEVER. The only trade that somewhat made sense was the one prior to 10:00 because mag7 was popping back above its OP. The 2nd trade was not good and should not have been taken even if it was meant to be a very small scalp bounce trade. With the premarket trend being so heavy to the downside as well then it would be very hard for really any longs to work consistently. 

- stopped trading when i realized my mistake
- took the first trade at the TP because of the large premarket downtrend
- only went long from 3/4 

- 3/4 yes but mag7 and indices conflicting therefore NO EDGE
- second trade was totally unnecessary. Mag7 dropped hard and indices only popped up a little bit.