we had 4/4 bullish for a while today but the market was not being led by the nq and the market is also in sell mode so i was really not expecting anything insane today whatsoever. for es to really rally we need nq to lead the move and that is just a fact. I took a short early as the vold and add were signalling we could go lower as well as rty ym moving through PML but es just moved higher and I took the loss. looking back I should never be trading before 940 as the market is just baiting my strategy. eventually i got long after i realized i was wrong on direction and I missed about 3-4 really clean scalps but I did get 1 decent one where I sold into the breakout as i should do when nq is not leading. market is a little stuck in this range but its pretty volatile so there is definitely some decent opportunities to get good scalps.