
This was the first month of live trading, there were so many little things that I had to learn about trading and myself. When overwhelmed, take a day off and try to direct my attention to why I am trading. ex. I want to be a consistent and discipline.


From my monthly stats:

  1. Overtrading!!
    • the commisions are hurting my small account. I did have a handful of good trades. Forcing non ideal trades are bringing my win loss ratio down. If I eliminate the random and revengful trades, and focus on ideal trades the ratio would go up. 
  2. Losses are attacking
    • If I can cut my losses quicker once the stock is not in my favour, I can elimate huge % loss that wipe out previous gains
  3. Focus on position size
    • Wanting to have an average position size of 400ish


  1. Cut losses quicker
    • max 2% rule
    • feeling unconfortable
  2. Dont need to trade everyday
    • Cut off of 8:30 am PDT if a trade isnt made by then log off, I seem to force trades out of furstation after that time
  3. Trying to be patient on entry levels
    • I often get into a trade prematurely and get shaken out
    • let the chart form, rather me late and profitable then early and lose

    Next Month Improvements:

Wanting to prove consistency in July with a constant position size, taking 3-5% gains. Really focusing on morning panics or breakout plays in the first 2 hours of the market. And cut losses quickly.!!

Really focus on patients and being okay with missing plays.


Overall, this was a great first month of trading. I am very emtional when there arent any set rules. I will conutinue to refine and improve.