October 28th, 2022 

    -I really wasnt feeling it today. I almost took the day off but its so fucking hard to just not trade. I wanted to just get in, make money, and leave. 



1st Trade: Trend Reversal Short

    -Just a classic trend reversal short trade here. Wait for break after highs are taken, short the pullup to trendbreak zone, cover at new low. Doesnt get any more textbook than this right here. Only thing I dont like about this is the fact that we are in a massive uptrend on the daily and we at pushing highs every few days. This was a clear long move for bulls since we failed at supply for the last 2 days. This was the turning point where we were either going to see the rally die off and consolidate or we were going to see a massive push. I lacked focus on this day and if I was fully attentive then I wouldve realized the importance of that. 


Easy Money:

    -The clear easy money was the long on the trendbreak back to the upside. The reason being is because of the chart below:

    -Massive uptrend and we pulled back in after hours then spiked premarket which basically gave big money the chance to buy more while retail got flushed out. Hitting these huge trendlines like this is always an awful area to be a shortseller. I shouldve noticed this and taken a long for the hold throughout the day because we were not going to consolidate in this zone. It was going to either fly higher or flush down a lot lower. There would be no inbetween.