September 17, 2024 (1 Trade) (+$100.00)

Overall Grade: A+

Day Summary: First day of the December contracts and man was it a beauty. This is quite possibily the best trade I've ever taken in terms of habits exhibited. Even though the P/L gain is not anything crazy, it still is encouraging to nail a trade like this. I waited for a set up I recognized, was on the side of smart money, held my winner and played this with a Set & Forget OCO order. No doubt there was still emotion in this trade as there were a couple times I wanted to close, but I did a great job of staying composed, arriving as the profitable trader that I am, allowing the trade to play out and work for me while fully acceting the risk. This trade exhibited every good habit that is neceary to be a trader!


DAILY - ES (gap caused by contract switchover)

5 MIN - ES


Trade 1 (And Done) - Long 2 Contracts @ Range Fakeout + Key Level

Grade: A+

  • Waited for a known set up that I have traded well before (not playbooked yet)
  • Sweeped the 7am hour lows (hunting liquidity) and closed back above that and a key level (target line)
  • looked to the morning lows and asked myself "what did the chart do last time we were at this level) and put my target for this trade to that level (range highs)
  • entry was great - after liquidity sweep and close above key level
  • was up between $25-40 on this trade and did feel myself getting a little anxious to close but i decided to Set and Forget this trade with an OCO order with STOP under the liquidity lows, allowed this trade to pull back to slight red which was uncomfortable but actually would have been a good spot to add, and then decided to just mentally accept the risk
  • at this point the trade became totally comforable and I allowed it to play out all the way up to my target
  • I did have a second feeling to close when it pulled up to a few ticks below my target, and then pulled back, but I reminded myself to let the OCO play out and I got filled on the very next candle
  • If I had held this trade even 3 more minutes I could have made $200 but I don't even look at it like that. I waited for a set up, accepted risk, and held my winner full size to target. Those are all the good habits I need to remain focused on in my trading.

FIX: Nothing!!!!!!