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CTIC 0.01%
APEN 0.01%
HEPA 0.01%
INVZ 0.01%
TARA 0.01%
HTBX 0.01%
SATX 0.01%
KNDI 0.01%
AFIB 0.01%
ANVS 0.01%
RNER 0.01%
AHT 0.01%
RNA 0.01%
SGRP 0.01%
MDJH 0.01%
MVST 0.01%
MRO 0.01%
ONCR 0.01%
HUGE 0.01%
BBIO 0.01%
OPTT 0.01%
CTCX 0.01%
NOTE 0.01%
VEDU 0.01%
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