disciplined_daytrader's PHUN Trade 1.99

Trade Detail

disciplined_daytrader's PHUN Trade 1.99

Trade Details


Oct. 23, 2021, 12:17 p.m.



Day Trading: Small Caps & Large Caps,


TD Ameritrade




PHUN - View rating





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Entry CPU Exit CPU Fees Max Amount Max Cost P&L % P&L $ P&L With Fees
5.93 5.97 0.01 50.0 296.5 0.67% 2.00 1.99

Auto-generated Chart BETA

Coming soon: Multi-time range selection, additional charts, custom settings, forex/crypto and more! Unlock with fasttrack.


I fucked up these trades so badly. I dont mind taking trades over and over again looking for continuation when the stock is ranging. I was only break even which is good (need to stop thinking break even is bad) especially when I was only looking for the continuation which i knew was going to happen. For some reason I just stopped looking at PHUN right when the exact setup i was waiting all mornign for happened. Couldve added into that frontside with at least 1k size and made about 10% which is what I think best case scenario is. Instead I just go break even and fuck myself over from taking my eyes of the screen. Need to always be extremely vigilant and ready to take the trade even after I take a small eye break. 


Date Side Amount Price Commission Reg Fee
Oct. 22, 2021 07:28:26 Entry 50.0 5.93 0.0 0.0
Oct. 22, 2021 07:28:45 Exit 50.0 5.97 0.0 0.01

SERV 15.00

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