yadayadayada's OAS Trade 421.97

Trade Detail

yadayadayada's OAS Trade 421.97

Trade Details


April 23, 2020, 9:20 p.m.








OAS - View rating




Breakout Bounce,

Featured Image / Proof


Entry CPU Exit CPU Fees Max Amount Max Cost P&L % P&L $ P&L With Fees
0.6195 0.704 0.529 5,000.0 3,097.5000000000005 13.64% 422.50 421.97

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It wasn't the best entry. A better entry would have been the first pullback at around 10:00. The plan was to scale out, but it never got back up to the first exit point.

8:53 Sold 2,000 shares of OAS at $0.6601 per share because it was rolling over. Kept 1,000 shares in case it reverses. Setting the entry price of $0.62 as the stop loss.

I decided to hold the last bit because of the strong push going into the close and I was able to close the position when it broke above the high of day at $0.76 per share, but of course it continued higher. Altough it was a grinder, it worked out as planned.


Date Side Amount Price Commission Reg Fee
April 23, 2020 10:40:26 Entry 5,000.0 0.6195 None None
April 23, 2020 11:21:19 Exit 2,000.0 0.72 0.22 None
April 23, 2020 11:52:23 Exit 2,000.0 0.66 0.19 None
April 23, 2020 16:17:53 Exit 1,000.0 0.76 0.119 None

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