disciplined_daytrader's CYAD Trade -4.40

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disciplined_daytrader's CYAD Trade -4.40

Trade Details


Dec. 5, 2021, 2:02 p.m.



Day Trading: Small Caps & Large Caps,


TD Ameritrade




CYAD - View rating




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Entry CPU Exit CPU Fees Max Amount Max Cost P&L % P&L $ P&L With Fees
4.66666666666667 4.52 0.0 20.0 93.3333333333334 -3.14% -4.40 -4.40

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this is what im most disappionted in. i really really hate when i can look back at the market and think to myself "I couldve tried harder." has to be one of the most demeaning things i can possibly think about myself because lets be honest here.....NOTHING in this world is unachievable. NOTHING in this world that is worht living for should be easy. There are so many different factors that lead professionals to success but the one that is completely controllable and more important than any other is HARD WORK. show me anyone anywhere that is a high level in their field and I guarantee you that they are the first one thinking about it in the morning, and the last one thinking about it before they sleep. Care about the craft only, perfect the craft only, compare you ONLY to yourself, take the size, believe in what you can achieve, and know that you deserve it because there is no other way anyone else couldve worked harder than you did. Be grateful for your advantages in life and always know how those advantages will be the extra reason why u can do this faster than anyone else. always be grateful for this opportunity because among the lucky, you are the chosen one. everyday sit for 10 minutes before 7am and again before 930am and remind yourself of how truly lucky you are to even have this opportunity in the first place. how many people even get to try this? how many people even know that this is possible? how many people have parents like you do? to 99% of the world, even just 50 dollars a day would be life changing and you are no different. realize the power behind everything you have worked so hard for. the only thing left is taking the risk, stick to everything you know is right. you have successfully managed risk the moment u realized how important it is to control the red days. you learned how to stay even in a month of complete turmoil in october. you learned how to improve on everything in the last 2 good months to absolutely obliterate your expectations of what a possible % return is in one single month. the only thing left is controlling the fear. you cannot let the fear control you. there is no way around it. the only way to co-exist is to feel it, know that you feel it, breathe through it, stay completely rational, execute. if you can rinse and repeat this in your everyday life (which you clearly have done for the last 24 years) then this entire life that you dream for is right infront of you. Ever since you were born you began to think about what you most desire from this existence. You have had 24 years to conclude on what you think is the absolute best reality for you. This life is a movie that you created, and you are the only one who knows the ending. 


Date Side Amount Price Commission Reg Fee
Dec. 03, 2021 07:05:56 Entry 10.0 4.55 0.0 0.0
Dec. 03, 2021 07:07:13 Entry 10.0 4.88 0.0 0.0
Dec. 03, 2021 07:08:22 Exit 10.0 4.5 0.0 0.0
Dec. 03, 2021 07:09:25 Entry 10.0 4.57 0.0 0.0
Dec. 03, 2021 07:11:54 Exit 10.0 4.53 0.0 0.0
Dec. 03, 2021 07:11:54 Exit 10.0 4.53 0.0 0.0

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