celinanguyen's DGLY Trade -19.33

Trade Detail

celinanguyen's DGLY Trade -19.33

Trade Details


June 9, 2020, 2:50 p.m.



Day Trading,


Interactive Brokers




DGLY - View rating




Breakout Pull-Back,

Featured Image / Proof


Entry CPU Exit CPU Fees Max Amount Max Cost P&L % P&L $ P&L With Fees
6.47142857142857 6.422 2.03 100.0 647.142857142857 -0.76% -17.30 -19.33

Auto-generated Chart BETA

Coming soon: Multi-time range selection, additional charts, custom settings, forex/crypto and more! Unlock with fasttrack.


Entry: Recognize that there were lost of eyes on the stock, decided to buy into the dip for a 5-8% gain

Exit: got shaken out when the ask stacked up, I missed the potential run I was looking for, broke even with commisions though

Enrty2&3: This was a chase, FOMO, terrible entries, and I had the wrong midset with wanting to make what I lost back. And sized up for no reason

Exit: Ended up hurting me lots, gave back all my gains from last week and Im in the red


  • I think I need a break from trading right now
  • correct mindset
  • Stop chasing
    • I will bleed my account dry


Date Side Amount Price Commission Reg Fee
June 09, 2020 07:03:02 Entry 50.0 5.82 0.26 None
June 09, 2020 07:08:16 Exit 50.0 5.91 0.52 None
June 09, 2020 07:11:51 Entry 100.0 6.71 0.16 None
June 09, 2020 07:12:57 Exit 100.0 6.92 0.4 None
June 09, 2020 07:24:25 Entry 100.0 6.32 0.16 None
June 09, 2020 07:35:01 Exit 100.0 6.18 0.37 None
June 09, 2020 19:19:43 Entry 100.0 6.71 0.16 None

AMTD 49.83

Portfolio(s): Day Trading Momo,
Last entry Nov. 22, 2022, 9:29 a.m.

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Portfolio(s): Option Trading,
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Portfolio(s): Toby,
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