Do you want to see which stocks in your portfolio are STRONG or WEAK?
We’ve partnered up with tykr which is an easy-to-use stock screener and educational platform all-in-one. If you want to know what stocks to look for, what stocks to avoid, when to buy, when to sell, and how to reduce risk, tykr is your solution.
Coupon code: TRADEJOURNAL20
Because of our exclusive partnership with tykr, you can save 20% on any plan by using the coupon code below.
tykr has a 14 Day FREE Trial
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Here are some quick highlights on tykr:
- They score stocks as either On Sale, Watch, or Overpriced.
- They are focused on value investing (Warren Buffett-style investing).
- They are available on both a Web app and Mobile App (iOS and Android).
- They have over 9,000 customers in over 50 countries.
- They have a Trustpilot score of 4.9/5.0.
- Their rating system calculations are open-source. They believe in transparency. No black box or “secret sauce”. When you sign up, they provide the calculations link.
- They have free webinars with the Founder and CEO, Sean Tepper, every month where you can review stocks together.
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