TradeJournal Import Wizard | TD Ameritrade Transactions Example


Two ways to start

  1. Click "Tools & More" then "Import Wizard"
    1. Notice info message
      1.  To use wizard.. you must have imported entries that have not yet been matched to a trade. Please click the 'Import New Entries' button now. 
    2. Click "Import New Entries"
  2. Click the "Quick Links" icon and then "Import Transactions"

Support Reminder

If you run into any issues along the way remember you get additional support via email, discord, or any of our other social media channels. Like leaving a comment below this video. 

Google template

Copy the Google Sheet Conversion Template: TD Ameritrade & TradeJournal Import (read "How To" tab to learn more)

Remember to my a copy of the google sheet and not request access to edit this example sheet.

Import Wizard Page

Go back to the import wizard page and you can now use the wizard.