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Full Video "Trading Stocks June Recap & July Forecast | 2021"


June Recap

  1. Portfolios done!
    1. Link above to dive into my Ulimited Portfolio stats
    2. Checkout all my portfolios here: https://tradejournal.co/winkler/
  2. Not the best month for me.. kinda sloppy.
    1. Market was getting stronger but I was still in the 2 month lull we've been in
    2. Usually trade ranges or backside when I should have been getting very aggressive on frontside
  3. Need to get more aggressive on frontside.
    1. I've been trading a lot of backside and that's fine it works but I'll always have a negative r/r when trading backside. For frontside I need to get in earlier and trade it longer, just have more conviction behind my trading.
    2. Frontside biggest profit
    3. Backside least profit and worst r/r
    4. Ranging in the middle


July Forecast

Day Trading

  1. Markets been heating up again. I think for now we'll be seeing better follow-throughs on breakouts. From what we've seen near the end of June this is the time to get more aggressive.
  2. We've also seen many Multi day runners like MRIN so overnight holds could be on the table

Swing Trading

  1. Slowly reducing swing trades. Best to be focused on a few and really nail the moves.
  2. Have more cash availbe on the sidelines to get aggressive on unique opportunities. Lately i've been stuck by being fuly allocated in swing portfolio.
  3. Possible crypto rebound moving up crypto stocks as well.