celinanguyen's CLSK Trade -6.27

Trade Detail

celinanguyen's CLSK Trade -6.27

Trade Details


July 30, 2020, 8:06 p.m.



Day Trading,


Interactive Brokers




CLSK - View rating




Chasing, FOMO, Revenge,

Featured Image / Proof


Entry CPU Exit CPU Fees Max Amount Max Cost P&L % P&L $ P&L With Fees
7.345 7.08 0.97 20.0 146.9 -3.61% -5.30 -6.27

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Coming soon: Multi-time range selection, additional charts, custom settings, forex/crypto and more! Unlock with fasttrack.


(Trade 2) This was a revengeful trade because the first one didnt workout, I chased the stock because it had the move that I wanted and it quickly bit me in the ass. And same thing as the first trade, I added to a loser, where I added is where I should have cut. I didnt have a define risk point and was purely chasing thinking about the $$.

Entry: I got some FOMO because I have predicted is the stock could break 2.30 it can spike. I was in a vengeful mindset, I noticed the the level 2 had big ASK at the 2.40 level. I chose to ingore this indicator for me not to get in and i still chased it

Entry2: I should have been looking to sell after a big washout like this

Exit: second big washout and I knew I was in trouble, I needed to cut and leave the computer



  • revenge trading, there was no reason for me to be in this trade
  • no define risk point
  • Ignored key indicators for me not to get in 
  • Was excepting for the stock to do something
  • chased


This is a very bad trade



Date Side Amount Price Commission Reg Fee
July 30, 2020 07:42:00 Entry 10.0 7.39 0.33 None
July 30, 2020 07:46:00 Entry 10.0 7.3 0.33 None
July 30, 2020 07:51:00 Exit 5.0 7.08 0.34 None
July 30, 2020 07:51:00 Exit 10.0 7.08 -0.02 None
July 30, 2020 07:51:00 Exit 5.0 7.08 -0.01 None

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