Well....today was the first win in my funded account and it was also a very very very good trade. I was patient in the morning when everything was a bit conflicting and I just sat on my hands until it was more clear, then ADD VOLD ripped through LOD while Weight and Futures were rounding their tops right below kep resistance levels. Eventually the ES ripped lower and I knew that this selloff was not going to be like the old ones where we just rip right back up, the daily is much more top-ish than it has been the entire year so shorting may be back in play for a little bit. The best part of the trade I took was that I took it with small size on MES and was planning to hold through the CPI candle low with that then I also scalped with ES because I Was very confident that we would breakdown through LOD and potentially PDL. The trade worked perfectly and I stuck to my plan 100%. That was a $600 trade between $350 on ES and $250 on MES. Very happy with those results