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Full Video "Winkler's May Recap & June Forecast | 2021"

>> https://youtu.be/he4kAno1_y0

>> Will be streamed Tuesday, June 2nd @ Noon EST

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May Recap

  1. Bit more action than April but overall slow month
  2. Usually stopped trading fairly fast and overall low trade vol
  3. Basically didn't force anything and took it for time to do research
  4. Closed some swing trades, still a lot of suppressed SPAC swings
  5. This time last year we eneded the $25k challenge!


June Forecast

Day Trading

Time to get more aggressive, I've let some really good opportunites slide through my fingers lately just because I "gave up" on the day or the tickers since we've been in a small cap lull. It's fine overall because we are and I avoided many losses that way but you don't make money if u dont trade and that's more or less what April and May were.

Swing Trading

Consolidate my swing trades a bit more would be nice. I realized, having 10+ swings open I start loosing an overview. I don't have the time to be up to date on each one as much as I'd like. Best to have < 5 open swings well and keep managing those epositions.

Like SPCE, MNMD, and IPOE/SOFI in May.

SPAC's seem to be getting some energy back after the SEC ruling on warrants being liabilities and some successful mergers like IPOE.